after all

I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh! ever so many lessons to learn! 🔊

I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh! ever so many lessons to learn! 🔊

Alice thought she might as well wait, as she had nothing else to do, and perhaps after all it might tell her something worth hearing. 🔊

Alice thought she might as well wait, as she had nothing else to do, and perhaps after all it might tell her something worth hearing. 🔊

but she added, to herself, ‘Why, they’re only a pack of cards, after all. I needn’t be afraid of them!’ 🔊

but she added, to herself, ‘Why, they’re only a pack of cards, after all. I needn’t be afraid of them!’ 🔊

He unfolded the paper as he spoke, and addedIt isn’t a letter, after all: its a set of verses.’ 🔊

He unfolded the paper as he spoke, and addedIt isn’t a letter, after all: its a set of verses.’ 🔊

I seem to see some meaning in them, after all. “--said I could not swim--” you can’t swim, can you?’ he added, turning to the Knave. 🔊

I seem to see some meaning in them, after all. “--said I could not swim--” you can’t swim, can you?’ he added, turning to the Knave. 🔊

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